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  一旦系统上电, 数字电位器 新颖地被用做逻辑门功能。

  本设计方案描述一个典型的使用PAL(可编程逻辑阵列)、GAL(门逻辑阵列)或CPLD(复杂的可编程逻辑设备)实现相对简单的 非易失性 门功能。为控制 逻辑信号 来阻塞或传输逻辑信号,通常使用逻辑门,如与门。使用门的第二个输入来决定门是阻塞还是传输应用信号。因为逻辑门实现直接布尔操作,它们的操作是没有存储器配合的可组合逻辑。

  然而,系统启动后,如果设计经常阻塞或传输信号的门,在非易失性存储器的某些形式下,必须存储“传输/阻塞” 的逻辑状态。两个基本方法用于存储这种逻辑状态。第一个使用微处理器结合非易失性存储器,例如EEPROM。如果系统可以等到微处理器从存储器读出逻辑状态,并应用到硬件管脚,如典型的GPIO口,这种方法是适用的。然而,一些系统需要在上电时就传输/阻塞信号。对那些系统,存储器的读延时是不可接受的。





  • 数字电位器典型有32或更多抽头;至少需要两个。一个数字电位器触点有与内部开关相结合的电阻,应该尽可能小来避免干扰开关信号。典型触点电阻为100Ω到1kΩ。对Maxim的MAX5527而言,触点电阻为90Ω。
  • 因为数字电位器触点电阻随供电电源增长而减少,应该选择高供电电压。
  • 为减小信号源负载和不限制电位器信号带宽,应选择高端局间电阻设备;在许多应用中,100 kΩ是可以接受的。
  • 如果必须用易失性存储器给门状态编程,选择非易失性数字电位器。一些数字电位器是OTP(一次性编程);这个特征允许保存触点设置。当不希望控制功能改变时,使用OTP特征是适当的。状态需被存储的门的数量决定所需的电位器数量。可用作每个封装一到六个或更多阵列。




  Nonvolatile digital potentiometer gates logIC signal

  A novel use for digital potentiometers employs them as a logic gate that functions as soon as the system powers up.

  Reinhardt Wagner, Maxim Integrated Products, Ottobrunn, Germany; Edited by Charles H Small and Fran Granville -- EDN, 9/3/2007

  This Design Idea describes a simple aLTErnative to a nonvolatile gating function you typically implement using PAL (programmable-array logic), GAL (gate-array logic), or a CPLD (complex-programmable-logic device). To gate a logic signal to bLOCk or transmit it, you usually employ a logic gate, such as an AND gate, and use the gate’s second input to define whether the gate blocks or transmits the applied signal. Because logic gates perform immediate Boolean operations, their operations are combinational and without memory.

www.55dianzi.com   However, if you must program a gate that should always either bLOCk or transmit the signal after system start-up, you must store the “transmit/block” logIC state in some form of nonvolatile memory. Two basic methods are available for storing such logic states. The first involves using a microcontroller in combination with nonvolatile memory, such as EEPROM. This method is suitable if the system CAN wait until the microcontroller reads the logic state from memory and applies it to a hardware PIN—typically, through a general-purpose I/O pin. Som e systEMS, however, require that the transmit/block signal be present at start-up. For those systems, the read delay from memory is unaCCeptable.

  A second method, which is useful for systems without a microcontroller or that cannot wait for the microcontroller to read from memory at boot time, stores the logic state in a device that makes it immediately available at power-up. For this purpose, PAL devices, GAL devices, and CPLDs implement the gating function in combination with programmable nonvolatile memory. These devices offer more than gating with memory, however, and may be overspecified for systems that need only a few such gates. Also, their PACkages are relatively large to accommodate the many logic-I/O pins they offer.

  If you need only a few nonvolatile gates, consider using a component common in analog- and mixed-signal systems: the digital potentiometer (Figure 1). Ground the L end of the resistor string and route the signal into the H end of the string. Then, the wiper output either shorts to ground for blocking or connects to the input signal for transmission.

  You can program the digital potentiometer through its serial interface during board or system test. The up/down interface on some digital potentiometers is suitable for that purpose. When selecting a nonvolatile digital potentiometer, you should consider the following criteria:

  • Digital potentiometers typically have 32 or more taps; you need at least two. A digital-potentiometer wiper has a resistance associated with the internal switches and should be as small as possible to avoid distorting the switching signal. A typical wiper resistance is 100Ω to 1 kΩ. For the MAX5527 from Maxim, wiper resistance measures 90Ω.
  • Because the resistance of a digital-potentiometer wiper decreases with increasing supply voltage, you should select a high supply voltage.
  • To minimize loading on the signal source and not limit the potentiometer’s signal bandwidth, you should select a device with a high end-to-end resistance; 100 kΩ is acceptable for many applications.
  • Select a nonvolatile digital potentiometer if you must program the gate’s state in nonvolatile memory. Some digital potentiometers are OTP (one-time-programmable); this feature allows you to save the wiper’s setting. Using the OTP feature is suitable when you don’t expect to make changes in the gating function. The number of gates for which the state must be stored determines the number of potentiometers you need. They are available in arrays of one to six or more per package.

  The digital potentiometer’s bandwidth determines the maximum data rate for signals transmitted through the potentiometer. If the switching rate of these applied logic signals is too high for the available potentiometers, you can use a conventional, high-speed logic gate with a digital potentiometer controlling the transmit/block input (Figure 2).

  英文原文地址: http://www.edn.com/article/CA6470827.html

本文关键字:电位器  数字电位器单元电路 - 数字电位器