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摘 要: 边际网损系数法由于能够反映各节点造成全网网损的微增成本信息,提供经济信号,已成为国外电力市场中最典型、最有应用前景的一种网损分摊方法。完全的边际网损系数法(FMLC)能提供最好的经济信号,但它不能保证所分摊的总网损与系统实际总网损一致,所以需要对该方法所分摊的网损量进行调整。本文应用比例法来调整网损分摊量。IEEE-14IEEE- 30和华东电网2243节点系统的算例表明:比例法合理地分摊了系统总网损,使之与实际总网损一致,并且,使用比例法后,保持了边际网损系数法的经济信号。
  关键词: 网损分摊; 边际网损系数; 调整; 比例法

New Regulation Method of Marginal Loss Coefficient in Loss AlLOCAIION of Power Market

WU Qigang, CHENG Haozhong, LIU Zihong

(School of Electronic Information and Electric Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China)

  Abstract: The marginal loss coefficient method is one of the most typical and prospective methods to allocate the transmission loss in power market because it can reflect the incremental cost of system loss and can give the correct economic signal fo r investment. But its total loss by the full marginal loss coefficient method (F MLC) can not keep consistent with the actual loss, so it is necessary to regulat e the calculated loss. This paper introduces a method named Scaling Method to re gulate the total loss. The simulation on IEEE 14bus, 30bus system and a prac tical 2243bus system shows that Scaling Method can allocate the loss reasonabl y and keep the loss consistent.Moreover,the economic signal of FMLC method is we ll kept by the scaling method.
  Key words: loss alLOCAIION; marginal loss coefficient; regulation; scaling method

边际网损系数法[1]是一种对各节点上负荷或发电机进行网损分摊的灵敏度方法。节点注入功率的单位变化引起全网网损变化量的大小,称边际网损系数(marginal loss coefficients),简称MLC。该方法也是目前国外大多电力市场的网损分摊方法。这种分摊方法能反映各节点造成全网网损的微增成本信息,能够提供经济信号,通过市场的手段促使潮流向网损减少的方向流动,达到优化潮流、提高经济效益以及指导用户投资决策的目的。

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